
I can hardly believe that summer is halfway through. I wanted to say halfway over, but I can hear Jake in my head saying ‘you are such a glass half full person.’ So I went with the more positive outlook.

We have been have an amazing summer. I finished my summer classes with a 4.0 only to realize the classes I took will not help me get into the nursing program. Lesson learned. I will be taking more classes this fall and anxious to see how it all pans out.

Here is a little taste of our summer so far:

Our beauty

Emery and Evie being photogenic
Nash and our neighbor Rosie, best friends in the making.

So here are a few photos of the summer. Most of our days are spent outside, watching movies or learning when to say “NO”. Nash seems to have gotten that word down pretty well.

We are looking forward to our annual ‘Asprey cabin getaway’ in two weeks. We are also excited to celebrate my moms 60th birthday!!

Stay tuned for more updates and photos.